We offer outstanding vending opportunities for schools and universities.
Vending Machines in Schools & Universities

Elementary through High School
Having vending machines in elementary, middle and high schools, is a great option for students and a great way for the school to do a little extra “fundraising” towards needed supplies and programs.
We offer profit-sharing to any schools that we place machines in, so that a certain percentage of proceeds go right back into the school. We also offer other exciting benefits and incentives that we tailor to your school and your needs.
We will follow Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines, and even place vending machines and/or micro markets in staff/teacher lounges. We believe that good fuel makes for good students. Did you know that when kids make healthier food choices, it can improve behavior and school performance?
We offer a variety of smart snack and drink selections to help keep students and staff fueled and energized throughout their day. Schools are welcome to give us a list of suggested or wanted snacks and drinks so that you have the selections you like and what you want your students to have access to.
Vending in Universities and Colleges
With busy schedules and many late nights, it’s important for college students to have access to drinks and snacks that can fuel their days and even their late study nights.
Outside of being a convenience for students and school staff, vending machines can be a benefit to the school itself. We offer profit-sharing to universities and colleges so that they can placed the funds towards needed programs, scholarships, maintenance, and more.
Universities are welcome to provide specific requests of items they would like to have in the machines we place on campus. It’s important to have options you love, and options that you think will fuel your students best.
Please ask us how we can help your school and fulfill your vending needs.